ILN | The Illustrated First World War

Role: Digital Designer

Skills: Design, UX, wireframing, user journeys, UI, front end development, iterative design, branding, marketing

Website: The Illustrated First World War

With the centenary of the First World War in 2014, ILN Ltd, the custodians of the celebrated Illustrated London News and Great Eight Illustrated Magazine collection archives, felt a responsibility to make the 1914-18 archives available to the public for research, education and pleasure. With the help of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, The Illustrated First World War website was created.

My main project while at ILN was to lead the UX and design for the first phase of the website with a six week delivery window before the centenary of the First World War. I worked with a close team to deliver the website on time and on budget in collaboration with key stakeholders.

This role involved UX, UI, design, branding and assisting in the front end development. The project began with clarifying the business goals, user needs and UX principles and documenting these using lean UX principles. An iterative design approach allowed me to create rapid prototypes and continue refining the design into the build phase with the development team.